I’ve Got Sunshine

Sunshine Award

I would like to thank Michael S. Fedison, author of the blog Eye-Dancers (A site devoted to his Young Adult sci-fi/fantasy novel The Eye-Dancers

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The Rules: Post the Sunshine Award image, answer the following 10 questions and note 10 blogs you wish to nominate.

Favourite colour: Despite having written to Donny Osmond declaring purple as my favourite colour, its red. I’ve had reddish hair, a red bathing suit given to me when I was in grade 9 for Xmas, a red leather couch, red shoes, red dresses, red sweaters, red tops, red wine, red Ferrari, (That’s a bold faced lie, but I did sit in one), and red knickers (That was my husband, John’s one and only contribution for this post.) You name it, I’ve had it, in RED.

PicMonkey Collage

Favourite animal: Dogs, but I don’t want one because they get wet and stinky, AND you have to pick up their doo doo. But, if you walk around a campground walking one, you meet soooooooo many interesting people. So, I’ve come up with a compromise.


Favourite number: Four. I tried to have four as my uniform number, because my Uncle Bobby Orr’s (National Hockey Player for the Boston Bruins) uniform number was four.  Actually, only part of what I just wrote is true, the bit about his number.


But when super impressed University boys offered to buy Bobby Orr’s niece, Shelley Orr (me), a gin and tonic, who was I to burst their bubbles?

Favourite non-alcoholic drink: Sighhhhhh…  I guess milk. Tragically, yes tragically, my recent bout of flu has put me off alcohol. Although I am slowly introducing sweet alcoholic drinks, such as Baileys, back into my diet, I’m not going to lie, I’ve been spooked. Badly. Get your flu shots, people.


Facebook or Twitter?: Facebook, because I really don’t get Twitter. Does anyone over fifty get Twitter? Anyone? And speaking of get, what the heck is Pintrest? 

My passion:  My family.


Favourite pattern: Every morning, John brings me tea, my computer and a piece of fruit. If he gets distracted, like watching rugby or Manchester United, I politely Skype or text him. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to contact John advising him that this pattern of behaviour may not be the norm. 

Favourite day of the week: All of them. Although Tuesday is pretty exciting, as it’s Garbage Day.

Favourite flower: I was going to look up latin names to impress everyone, but I knew I would be called out by my sister, Shannon and sister-in-laws, Marina and Babs. Final answer: Red flowers.


I would like to nominate the following blogs. Please check them out.

Tuttacronaca in the kitchen – Pictures and food posts from Italy. Yummy.

Lady or Not…Here I Come – In Rebecca’s own words, “Naughty, Bawdy and Fun.”

And once again, a huge thanks to Michael for taking the time to nominate “Honey.”

Update: Just finished a full glass of red wine and feel fine. No, make that GREAT. Thank God I’ve gotten that monkey off my back.

Shelley and John

17 thoughts on “I’ve Got Sunshine

  1. All it took was reading those first three words, and I have “My Girl” stuck in my head. Fortunately I like “My Girl.” When it’s cold outside, I’ve got the month of May… (By the way, congrats on your nomination. 🙂 ) I guess you’d say…


  2. Pingback: Aspettando la primavera… sunshine award! | Tuttacronaca in cucina

  3. Great post, great site… I know it’s tough following all the rules when you get one of those awards. I’ve gotten two, I think, and struggled to write out everything asked for. Becca gets like seven a day, and deserves them all 🙂


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