Say G’day to Bruce, Bruce


Port H'Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Port H’Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Port H'Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Port H’Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Port H'Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Port H’Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Port H'Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Port H’Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Port H'Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Port H’Kusam , Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Back in the Comox Valley.  Me, John, Matt and Emma

Back in the Comox Valley with John, Matt and Emma

Matt: Let’s play a game that uses the characters’ names from the show, “Neighbours.”

Here’s how you play.

I say, “G’day Bruce” to the person next to me.

That person replies, “G’day Bruce.”

Then I say, “Say G’day to Bruce, Bruce” to the same person who, in turn, repeats the sequence with the next player.

If a player makes a mistake, his name changes to Sheila. If yet another mistake is made, Sheila changes to Charlene and so on until all of the characters’ names are used. Does everyone get it?

John, Shelley and Emma: Ah no. What? Erm no.

Matt: OK, let me try explaining another way.

I say, “G’day Bruce” to dad.

Dad replies, “G’day Bruce.”

Then I say, “Say G’day to Bruce Bruce.”

So dad says, “G’day Bruce” to mom. Mom repeats the sequence with Emma.

If anyone makes a mistake, his or her name changes. Got it?

John, Shelley and Emma: Ah no. What? Erm no.


Matt: Sigh. Let’s play and I’ll explain as we go. I’ll go first. “G’day Bruce.”

John, Shelley and Emma:

Matt: G’day Bruce.

John, Shelley and Emma:

Matt: Dad, you’re next to me, so you say, “G’day Bruce.”

John: Oh sorry. G’day Bruce.

Matt: Say, “G’day to Bruce, Bruce.”

John: Say, “G’day to Bruce, Bruce.”

Matt: No. You made a mistake.

John: But I thought “I” was Bruce.

Matt: You were Bruce, but because you made a mistake by saying, “say” you’re now Sheila.

John: Not Bruce.

Matt: Not Bruce. Sheila.


John: Ah now I’ve got it. So I say… g’day…. g’day…Bahhhruuuuce?

Matt: Yes, Bruce.

John: Right. G’day Bruce.

Shelley: G’day Bruce.

Matt: No mom. Dad’s Sheila.

Shelley: Oh, then who’s Bruce?

Matt: You.

Shelley: Oh! Ha! Ha! Ha!  G’day Sheila.

John: G’day Bruce.

Matt: Sheila.

Shelley: Sheila? I thought “I” was Bruce.

Matt: You were Bruce but you made a mistake, so now you’re Sheila. So…

John: I say, “Say G’day to Bruce, Sheila?”

Matt: Yes and mom you say…?

Shelley: G’day to Bruce, Sheila. Sheila? Wait. I’m confused. Who’s Bruce?

Matt: Emma.

Shelley: Emma?

Matt: Yes. Emma. So mom you say…

Shelley: G’day Bruce.

Matt: Yessss!

Emma: G’day Bruce.


Shelley: Say, “G’day to… to… Bruce,” Bruce?

Matt: Yes.

Emma: G’day Bruce.

Matt: G’day Bruce.

Emma: Say G’day to Sheila, Bruce.

Matt: G’day Sheila.

John and Shelley: G’day Bruce.

Matt: Mom! Dad’s Sheila.

Shelley: But you told me I was Sheila.

John: You did Matt.

Matt: Oh my God.

Shelley: Now Matt you need to be patient with me. How can you expect me to remember who’s who when I have menopause? Menopause ruins your memory. Something to look forward to Emma. No way around it.


Matt: Ahhhhh. No mom. Please don’t share that.

Shelley: Actually it’s not only my memory that’s bad. Dad’s is bad too. In fact, I was so worried about our memories that I made up a game designed to improve them. It’s really easy. Someone says a word like, “chicken.” The next person repeats “chicken” then adds another word. For example, “cow.” The game ends when a player makes a mistake. Want to play?

Matt, Emma and John: Yes.

John: Wait. Before we start, I think we should all agree not to add words that are related to each other, otherwise the game will be far too easy.


Shelley and John



20 thoughts on “Say G’day to Bruce, Bruce

  1. I’m too confused. This would never play well at our family gatherings — words would be slurred and indecipherable before the first round. I know, sad. So instead, I looked at and appreciated your accompanying photos. Some of the best I’ve viewed in your posts. Really nice captures. Thanks for sharing them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh boy! My head hurts just trying to follow Bruce! Guess I’d better practice before we’re all together, otherwise I might be Sheila the chicken! Ha, ha, ha!


  3. I don’t need menopause to be confused and forgetful … but I’m glad I can use it to put the blame on *something* other than my confusion and forgetfulness.

    G’day, Bruce. Or Sheila. Or Charlotte. Or Shelley.

    Or chicken.


  4. Yea!! Another fun game with the Smith Family! That makes me laugh! Emma, so glad you get to be a part of it all! Welcome to the Family! Love the Little Sister that Matt and Andrew never had!


  5. I. Rest. My. Case. Smiths have the most fun and take the best pics.

    When we retire, we are coming to visit you. Ha, don’t worry, that will be a while. If you have time, stop by my place for an update.


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