You Gotta Wear Clothes

  Shelley: How’s England? The family? John: Good. Good. What about you? Keeping busy? Shelley: I know you’re worried that I’d run out of things to do and get bored, But, I haven’t stopped. And when I did, I went shopping. John: Hopefully nothing too expensive? Shelley: Of course not, we’re retired and not made of money. Hang…

I’m as Tired as a One Legged Man in a Butt- Kickin’ Contest

Day 74, November 11th Store Clerk: Two Florida Fishing Licences coming right up, but first I’ll need your Social Security Numbers. John: I don’t think our Canadian ones will work. What about Drivers’ Licences? Store Clerk: Let’s see…  Not working. Hmmm… Wonder what will work? While I think about that, I’m going to check in on this…

Fish On! Oh Yeeeaahhhhhhhh Baby!!!

As the full moon rises on Kelsey Bay, Sayward, Vancouver Island, John and I reflect on the day’s salmon fishing… from kayaks, no less… Shelley: Got one. Fish on. Fish. On. Oh! Yeeeaahhhhhhhh!!! Baby!!! The net. The net! Get the net! Aiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! He’s dragging me out to sea! For the love of God John, hurry!  I don’t want to end…

Muuuaahhmmmmmmm!!!! He Just Gave me the Finger!!!

Now that the boys are all grown up, (Matt is 28 and Andrew is 26) what’s it like camping with them?  Something like this… Andrew: Nice shirt bro. When’s the rodeo? Matt: Shut up. Andrew: Shut up? That’s the best the “Come Back King” can do? “Shut up?”  Not going to lie. Disappointed in you, Matt. Oh! Muuuaahhmmmmmmm! Matt…