Snowboarding? At Your age? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!


A typical day in the Coachella Valley

A typical day in the Coachella Valley

Mountains surrounding the Coachella Valley

Mountains surrounding the Coachella Valley

John and I with our friend, Lynn, at Huntington Beach, California

John and I with our friend, Lynn, at Huntington Beach, California

Since arriving in southern California my crutches and cast have attracted a boatload of comments.

Stranger driving by: Hey! Guess we’re going to have to cancel our tennis game, eh? Heh! Heh! Heh!

Woman in Catalina Hot Springs RV park: My nephew broke his fibula. Was laid up in bed for 6 months. Couldn’t even use the bathroom.

Man walking his dog pointing at my husband, John: Did you have to kick him that hard? Ha! Ha! Ha!

2016-01-26 13.23.03

Man next door to our RV: Took my grandson’s fibula only 6 weeks to mend, but the x-ray revealed it healed crookedly. Doctor had to rebreak and set it. Poor kid had to start all over again.

Woman swimming in Catalina Hot Springs RV Pool: My friend broke both fibulas. Thought they healed but when the 4 week x-ray came back, found out the bones had spiralled. Doctor straightened and pinned them together with screws and plates. Still can’t walk right and that was 2 years ago.

Like this

Like this?

Man swimming by in the “Fountain of Youth” swimming pool: You should see the other guy. Am I right? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Woman next to me during water aerobics: I did the same thing to my fibula. After 3 months the darn thing never even started to mend. Just floated around unattached. Doctor finally took a piece off my hip, stuck it between the two fibula ends and screwed everything together. That was 10 months ago and it’s still not 100%.

2016-01-28 09-2.03.14

My dad: Come on Tiny Tim.

Man in the next RV: Broke my heel. More pins in me than a damn pin cushion. Worst part, they charged me near 500 bucks for my walking cast. What did yours run you?

My own mother at Bingo to a group of 50 or so: I just want to say that this is my daughter. She has a broken leg and last night she won 5 out of 10 games at Bingo, so watch out.

2016-01-28 19-2.39.01

Woman floating by on her noodle in Wilderness Park pool: I had crutches years ago. Was in a terrible accident. My legs were a mess. Never thought I’d walk again despite what the doctors and physiotherapist told me. Let me show you. (Lifts her foot out of the water. It’s missing four toes.)

All of which I’ve taken in stride because I get it. People want, need, to share their horror stories. Don’t believe me? Watch what happens when someone announces they’re pregnant. Anyway I was good. Was keeping a sense of humour until this elderly, very edlerly woman exclaimed,

“Snowboarding? At your age? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!”

View from our rear view window at "Fountain of Youth RV Park"

View from our rear view window at “Fountain of Youth RV Park”

Shelley and John

Catalina Spa RV Resort, Palm Desert, California. $15 full hook up with RPI membership. Pools, spas (hot tubs), pickle ball, daily activities.

Wilderness Lakes RV Resort, Menifee, California, $10 full hook up with RPI membership. Pool, spas, pickle ball and sporatic arranged activities.

Fountain of Youth RV Spa Niland, California, $17 with BCAA, dry camping but have access to all its amenities. DID NOT FEEL ANY YOUNGER!


43 thoughts on “Snowboarding? At Your age? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

  1. Good grief… So you’re surrounded by deviant clones of “Little Mary Sunshine” huh? Maybe you can just get a T-shirt that says “Go away!” … I suggest the shirt, because you’d probably get laryngitis from having to say it so much.
    It looks like a lovely place though. I hope you’re having fun. Heal happily. Mega hugs! 🙂


    • That may work. Today, in a new pool, a man told me that I shouldn’t be out of the cast, the ankle brace was a bad idea even though I am in week 7. Advised me that even a milimeter of movement would cause the bone to move. I had to leave the pool and drink wine.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Shelley,To add another comment: a very fasnionable shoe you’re wearing on your left foot, I dare say! 😉
    Hope you’re healing well. I know, from my own experience, the feeling of being screwed together. With me it was my left shoulder, though, after I once mixed up skiing and flying. I did heal quickly and perfectly, though. I was lucky.
    Take care,


      • Well, I was skiing in Germany in the Black Forest, and, schussing downhill, got the back ends of my skis across each other and took off to a nice flight. 😉 About 15 to 20 feet, I think. The flying was perfect, if I may say so. Only the landing went wrong. 😉 With my way of skiing, I should have had enough experience of landing properly, you’d think. 😉 Well, I landed on my left upper arm and shoulder, with one of the poles right under my arm. That was the good part, as it caused a clean break. But landing on my shoulder really messed the top of my humerus bone up: multiple fractures and splinters. 😦 Luckily, I fell into the hands of a good sawbones and, with one metal plate and seven screws, that doc fixed my shoulder and I have full use of that arm again.


  3. Oh Shelley, people can be so …………can’t think of the right word without swearing!!!!!! We are very proud of the way you have dealt with this setback so there!!


      • No, it’s you & your hubby who are trying to do the Ellen Show thing. 🙂 I finished the book, did a bit of traveling and tried to become famous but failed miserably. Back yet who knows for how long.


      • Ellen who? You can’t have failed miserably. #1 You had the “you know whats” to pull away from the pack unlike the rest of us. And I didn’t know you had to have a timeline to become famous. If there is one I’m in a crap load of despair. And you wrote a book. There! So I’m just finishing my book. What’s yours called? I think I will buy it for John as there’s little hope for me!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well the timeline has pretty much been my entire life and I ain’t on any marquee yet. 🙂 Good to learn you’ve got a book in the oven. When is it done baking? Mine is titled (not surprisingly) “Awakening to Awareness: Aligning Your Life With What Really Matters.” You know, like traveling the planet and spending your kids’ inheritance. Hope you are healing well. I’d say break a leg but…


      • Not sure. Loosely based on our travels. Smiths getting into trouble. But after that I can’t decide as both of my boys want to be the ones to the rescue. With their spouses of course. And then can’t leave out my parents… Might never get off the ground. 🙂


  4. Aren’t ‘kind’ strangers a hoot? This is what happens to motorcyclists ALL THE TIME. Seriously, just because I ride a motorcycle does not mean that everyone needs to tell me about their friend/neighbor/cousin that died in a fiery crash. Sigh.

    But your parents are funny, as always! 🙂


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