Sometimes People Need to Stop Complaining and Appreciate how Lucky They Are

Day 77, November 14th

Day 77, November 14th

IMG_1380Next door’s dogs: Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yappity Yap! Yap!

John: Mmmpphhh.  Are you freakin’ kidding me? What time is it?

Shelley: Ughhh.

John: It’s 7:00 in the morning. That’s what time it is. Why in the name of God are those sorry excuses for dogs outside at 7:00 in the morning? And why aren’t the owners doing something about them?

Shelley: Go back to sleep.

John: With that racket going on? What a joke.

Dogs: Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yappity Yap! Yap!

Mama: Ohhhhhh hush now you two.

Dogs: Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yappity Yap! Yap!

Mama: What is it? What is it? Are my babies hungry? Are you hungry? Is that what’s wrong?

Dogs: Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yappity Yap! Yap!

John: Oh my God. This is unbelievable.

Mama: No? Maybe you just want some love. Do you want some love? Ohhhhhh come to mama. Kiss. Kiss. Mama loves you. Mama loves you. Kiss. Kiss. There. All better now? Oh yes you are. You’re all better now. Mama’s babies are all better. Now you be good while mama and papa get the RV ready…

Papa: Stop. STOP!!!

Dogs: Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yappity Yap! Yap!

Mama: What’s that, papa? I can’t hear you.

Dogs: Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yappity Yap! Yap!


Dogs: Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yappity Yap! Yap!

John: I wish it would crush those little rats.

Shelley: You told mama they were cute.

John: I lied. Shut your window. That might block them out.

Shelley: It’s already shut.

John: This is ridiculous. They’re waking up the entire park. It’s not right. I knew this view would come with a price.

View from our rear window

View from our rear window

If our neighbours were any closer, we could touch them.


Dogs: Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap! Yappity Yap! Yap!

John: That’s it. I’m giving them a piece of my mind.

Shelley: John! Don’t. They’re almost packed up. Let it go. John! John! Oh boy.

John: Morning. I…

Papa: Morning youngster. Jeeeeshhhh. Retired at 55. Can you believe that, mama?

Mama: So lucky. Sorry about all of the noise. My little babies get all worked up when they see us working by the tires. One of them was run over by a golf cart. Got stuck to the front tire. Ending up doing a full circle. And I’ll be danged if the same thing didn’t happen with the back tire. Lucky to be alive.  Aren’t you? Oh! Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

John: That is lucky. Even so I…

Papa: Yes sir. We’re real sorry about the racket. This is an unGodly hour to be up but I ‘ve got to get back to work. Been teaching math for 40 years. Just turned 65, but looking to teach another 2, so I can get my full teacher’s pension. Sure am looking forward to my twenty-five thousand a year. Why look at me. I can go on and on. Was there something you wanted to say?

John: No. No. Only that sometimes people need to stop complaining and appreciate how lucky they are.

Mama and papa: That’s a fact.

2,429 miles from Vancouver

2,429 miles from Whistler, BC

Shelley and John

30 thoughts on “Sometimes People Need to Stop Complaining and Appreciate how Lucky They Are

  1. Pingback: A Piece of my Mind | jwd56smith

  2. WE = still FRed.i.Am & I – are smacked of gob or gobsmacked even. In a country with more space than the moon ‘Happy Campers’ park THAT ‘kin near to one another? Urm, why?
    Anyway on a more ‘sane’ note you can stir fry that breed of dawg. Oh yes.


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  11. I read this yesterday on my little iPod through a different screen than your actual blog, and it didn’t have the photos … and I still knew it had to be *Yorkies* that were barking. I love dogs but have to agree with lurch about the cooking tip. (I also love the visual imagery of “Got stuck to the front tire. Ending up doing a full circle.” The wine in my mouth almost ended up on my little screen, and that would have been alcohol abuse.)

    But … your post really hit home. It’s so easy to forget how fortunate we are in our individual personal lives, isn’t it.

    Thank you for the humor AND the reality-check … and for sharing the part of the world you are in right now! (I lived in Pensacola for many years.)


    • I had a friend who had a Yorkie and a retriever. She let the Yorkie go! 🙂 My son does cartoons. When we meet for Xmas, I’m going to get him to cartoon that image of the dog being run over. We are super fortunate. I just can’t believe what a terrible pension that man will get. A disgrace. Thanks again for reading. We stopped just shy of Pensaclo, Magnolia Beach.


  12. I love your blog, and just started following! My husband and I are hoping to take off on an adventure such as yours in the next couple of years, but until then, I will have to blog about life, short trips, etc. 🙂

    You nailed it on this one…we do not spend enough time just being happy about how good we have it!


    • Why thanks so much for the kind words and the follow. I will check out your blog when I have more reliable internet. One of the curses of being dependent on RV parks and limited Verizon. But we really really do have it great.


  13. Dang. A good reminder to stop and taking people’s individual stories into account… That being said, my next door neighbor has two long haired chihuahuas that are always yap yap yapping so this post totally made me think of them! They seem to make her happy though.


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